Daniel Radcliffe Is In Robot Chicken's Walking Dead Special

Recall Gareth, the chief of this cannabilistic Terminus faction from Walking Dead's fifth year? Nonetheless, it turns out West can not sing, so the team recruited Daniel Radcliffe instead.
Radcliffe's cameo appearance will likely be in a skit in which Gareth and also the citizens of Terminus welcome Rick and the gang to town, until the revelation of, you know, the entire cannibal thing. 

Since this is Robot Chicken, they do this with an elaborate musical line. Speaking to Yahoo, director Tom Sheppard and writer Breckin Meyer disclosed that West turned right down a return to the character since he is not a singer. Instead, the Robot Chicken group discovered that an surprising alternative:

Sheppard: When we were going out to the actors from the show, the agent for the actor who played Gareth [Andrew J. West] from Terminus said he doesn’t sing. So Seth [Green] put a call into Daniel Radcliffe…

Meyer: As one does...

Sheppard: Yes, like you would do. And basically we had Daniel Radcliffe singing the Terminus song.

The notion of a bunch of antagonistic cannibals breaking out into a welcoming series song is already zany sufficient for Robot Chicken, but the simple fact that it'll be a number headed by Harry Potter only makes it even better.

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