Mega Powerstar Ram Charan and Sensational manager Boyapati Srinu's second was recently established. And today, the normal shooting of this movie has started on Friday at Hyderabad. The movie has been made under the DVV Entertainments LLP banner ad and is a creation of D.V.V. Danayya, while D. Parvathi is introducing the movie.
Talking on the occasion of this movie's launch, Danayya stated, "A blend of Ram Charan and Boyapati, two movie personalities that are darlings of these masses, convinced includes a lot of expectations. There is already a fantastic deal of expectation surrounding the way the movie will be.
We aim to make this movie quite grandly without a compromise concerning the budget. We've roped in Kiara Advani to perform the female lead. Kollywood celebrity Prashanth and Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi are roped in for crucial functions.
Rishi Punjabi can be onboard because the cinematographer. Until the end of the month, the initial schedule will probably be on. We're planning the next program in February. The movie will certainly reach everybody's expectations."